Revolt stoel
by Friso KramerLabel: Ahrend
Year: 1953
Revolt. Revolution. The name suits the chair, because this design, by Friso Kramer, meant a renovation of the Dutch livingroom in multiple ways. Beside the livingroom, the chair also conquered a spot in the office. The Revolt-chair is a Dutch designicon. Friso Kramer designed the chair for 'De Cirkel', nowadays Ahrend.
The Revolt-chair was, in 1953, very innovatory. The chair didn't consist out of a tubular frame, as was comon in those days, but out of a U-based frame. At the bottom of the chair, the frame gradually in a nearly closed, round tube, in which the glides were pressed in. The seating and back were made of pressed Ciranol volkern plate. Because of the entirely new constructionprincipal the chair made quite a fuss when it was introduced.
The chair has many fans, including late Jan Wolkers. The writer about the Revolt-chair: ''Quite a good chair, ain't it! For me, one of the most important aspects of writing is sitting. I always sat on chairs made by Friso Kramer. I will give my colleagues some good advice; If they want to write better, they should acquire a Friso Kramer chair.''
In 2004 the chair was re-introduced, now with plastic seating en back. In black and white. The succes of this version proves that the chair isn't outdated.