by Marcel DuchampYear: 1917
With the Top100 we want to find a answer to the question: Which design is the best or of great influence. For the world of art this answer is more or less known. Namely this urinal, designed by Marcel Duchamp. In 2004 500 art experts choose the Fountain as the most influential work of art of the 20st century.
In 1917 Duchamp send a existing urinal, under the name Fountain, anonymously to a exhibition of which he himself was in the board. He only added a signature R. Mutt on the side. Ironically Duchamp wanted to prove that art was a reflection. The making of choices was the only importance and decided art. That way of thinking started a climate changes in the artworld.
The original was lost. In several museums replicas are on display, who are made based on a foto of the original out of 1964. These replicas are approved by the artest itself.