Kokon Furniture Double chair
by Jurgen BeyLabel: Droog
Year: 1999
The Kokon chair, designed by Jurgen Bey for Droog Design,basically exists out of 2 chairs which are fuced together by elastic material from the airplane industry. Wrapped as a present u could say! Through the chair, you can see the possibility to recycle ordanairy chairs by shaping them into a new form. The chairs inside the cocoon are wooden. The layer around it is made with 'Spider Web technology' by heating pvc and melting it around the chairs. This material is normally used to wrap airplanes and militairy vehicles when there not in use. The furniture is made in differend colours in a unique edition of 12 copies.
The cocooncollection from the Dry-Tech project of Droog Design exists out of multiple pieces of furniture, including a chair combined with a table and the 'combined seating' chair. Click here for more information about the Dry-Tech project.
Kokon furniture is included in the collections of: Museum Boijmans van Beunigen, Rotterdam, Central Museum, Utrecht and the Centre National d'Arts Plastiques in France.
Jurgen Bey also made a cocoonpaneling for the Central Museum and the catwalk for a show of Jean Paul Gaulthier, which can be seen on his artistic website. He also used the idea for furniture in prisons. Which made the chair Kokon Stubborn.
Critics about Kokon Furniture: ''Kokon furniture subverts the idea of an ideal form by suggesting infinite variations of archetype; Form follows Form.''