Bandrecorder / magneetband
by Fritz PfleumerLabel: AEG
Year: 1928
Actually Fritz Pfleumer wasn't working on the development of a technic to record sound. In the late twenties he was commissioned by a cigaretlabel to apply a matel protectionlayer to the cheap fliters. During that proces he realized that his invention was usefull for making soundtapes. This evolved into the next alternative of wire in telegraphones.
He applied ironoxide on strips. In addition, he designed the first taperecorder. Soon after, AEG took over the patent rights and 3 years later the taperecorder came on the market. The strips of Pfleumer tore rapitly and were therefore replaced by tapes of cellulose. In the early days, the taperecorder was mostly used by the gestapo.
In 1936 it came to light that Pfleumer wasn't the first to cover paper with ironpowder. Valdemar Poulsen already achieved that in 1898. That is why Poulsen is officially reckoned as the inventer of the first magnetic registration. Anyway, nowadays lots of people enjoy soundregistrations in multiple areas.